After much time and effort . . . show time! The key characteristic of most events is that
organizers get only one chance for success. And while a plan must incorporate opportunities to make adjustments at
Execution, such modifications should be minimal. Energy must be reserved for the effort required to solve transport
problems not anticipated in the design and planning phases. Staff must be trained to handle routinely most assigned
Five Tool Group has extensive expertise in both the training methods necessary to prepare staff and volunteers
for their duties and in the operation of event command and control systems. Whether developing and staffing a Main
Operations Center, coordinating with public safety officials or representing the organizing committee before
sanctioning bodies, we possess both the skills and the experience necessary to ensure transport success. And few can
equal the “on the ground know-how” that Five Tool Group brings to such special activities as Ceremonies,
Congresses and Symposia.
Just as one “never gets a second chance to make a good first impression,” event organizers must succeed
the first time in the Execution of their plan. And nothing is more important in the transport area than experience.