“Proper event transport DESIGN identifies correct service levels, develops detailed project plans and produces flexible budgets.”

Proper event transport DESIGN identifies correct service levels, develops detailed project plans and produces flexible budgets.

After identifying the basic facts of the event, organizers must move swiftly to establish a clear vision of the transport model, addressing the needs of all clients. Efforts must be focused and capable of communication to many audiences. Two key aspects of Design — a formal project plan and an initial budget — address future planning elements and establish the financial impact of this important operational area.

Five Tool Group is skilled in the creation of the deliverables that identify the key activities of the event. Using the data generated by the analytical models, we develop a detailed guideline document — a Concept of Operations — which establishes the overall transport objectives, which services will be provided and a description of how the goal will be reached. Five Tool Group also produces a detailed Transport Budget and a formal Transport Project Plan, capturing tasks, activities and milestones.

While proper Design may be nearly invisible, poor Design can be catastrophic. It can lead to an expensive event transport system, and one which performs ineffectively and is more costly and inefficient than necessary. Indeed, decisions taken in this phase will have an impact — good or bad — during the event.

© 2017, five tool group, inc.