Even before an event is awarded, organizers must work diligently to establish lines of
Communication between many areas, internal and external. Once awarded, all functional areas must
interact early and often
to ensure that there are neither gaps nor overlaps between the activities for which each is responsible. And organizers
must ensure that positive, productive and supportive relationships are fostered between the committee and the many
external entities — public and private — that have an interest in the success of event transport.
Five Tool Group recognizes the importance of effective Communication in ensuring event success. From informal
relationships to formal presentations, we are experienced in the effective exchange of ideas necessary to develop
support for the transport plan. Moreover, Five Tool Group is skilled in creating informative and innovative methods
of information distribution — social media, printed publications, training materials — that will serve all clients
eligible for transport services.
From bid documents to final reports, effective Communication leads to the support essential to event success. Indeed,
"communication is the real work of leadership," since the best transport systems are of little use if they are lack wide backing or if they are not understood.