“Effective event transport systems begin with a careful ANALYSIS of available resources, initial requirements and vital relationships.”

Once an event is awarded there are a number of key questions that must be answered in order to ensure that the effort starts off on the right foot. Organizers must identify both the number of participants and the unique transport requirements of each group. They must determine the number and type of vehicles needed and whether they exist in the area. And they must begin to identify transport's human resource and logistics requirements.

Five Tool Group has developed an effective set of business practices which establish a firm foundation upon which to create a successful transport plan. We begin with detailed interviews of all functional areas within an organization, and then develop a set of analytical models necessary to quantify the initial event requirements for vehicles, personnel and equipment. At the same time, Five Tool Group moves promptly to establish working groups involving those external entities whose support are key to a successful event transport result.

Whether one begins working on an event five years or five months before “show time,” it is essential to perform the vital Analysis necessary to identify the resources needed for transport success. Indeed, the importance of this step is seen in the wisdom of the old saying: “Well begun is half done.”

Effective event transport systems begin with a careful ANALYSIS of available resources, initial requirements and vital relationships.

© 2017, five tool group, inc.